
Be the change that you wish to see in the world! (M. Gandhi)

Barbershop Toolbox, a method developed in Iceland, is a set of seven event prototypes, encouraging men and boys to join the discussion about gender equality. 

Barbershop Toolbox representatives in Lithuania will prepare discussion moderators, and you can be one of them! The educational discussion will take place in all regions of Lithuania, and the events are entirely public!

Each of us can be a champion of gender equality in our workplaces, organisations, and societies. Therefore, do not miss a chance to attend our free events! All information about the event is going to be published on this page! 

The project is run by Go Forward Academy in partnership with UN Women Iceland. The project is a part of the Aktyvių Piliečių Fondas (Active Citizens Fund), funded by the EEA financial mechanism.  

If you would like to learn more about gender quality, please visit HeforShe website

For more information, please contact us: